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Info session on aerial spraying to curb pine processionary

The Consell de Formentera reports that at 11.00am tomorrow, Tuesday 29 September, the Healthy Forests Service of the Balearic Ministry of Environment and Land will host a video information session concerning the most recent in a series of dustings launched in 2017 to combat the pine processionary. Islanders interested in taking part in the session should send an email to sanitatforestal@caib.es.

Efforts to halt expansion of Thaumetopea pityocampa date to 2007 when the nuisance species was first detected on Formentera. One such strategy involves a biological phytosanitary product applied aerially in a treatment cycle that lasts four years. A helicopter equipped with an enhanced mode of the GPS system means the product, which is innocuous to bees and used in the treatment of other pests like mosquitos, can be released over pine groves in highly precise doses and according to fine-tuned extension parameters. Since 2017 treatment has involved double-dusting an area of Formentera covering 1,500 hectares. Timing of the dustings is calculated based on meteorological conditions such as temperature, wind, relative humidity and rain and the particular phase of development of the targetted larvae.

28 September 2020
Department of Communications
Consell de Formentera