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Start of Joan Marí Cardona Local Studies lecture series

foto 2022x jornades estudis localsA lecture given yesterday by Raquel González and Carmen Castelló titled 'Lateen sailing on Formentera: in everyday life and the imprint on society and culture' marked the start of the Formentera Office of Heritage's Joan Marí Cardona Local Studies lecture series.

Day one of the week-long series also served to present the 2018, 2019 and 2020 issues of Formentera, a review which, in the two years since its revival, has brought updated editions of every issue published since 2015. As Raquel Guasch, councillor of heritage pointed out, a 2020 edition of the review has also been put together with the articles that were never presented due to COVID-19.

Lectures continue all this week from 7.00pm in the Consell de Formentera auditorium (Sala de Plens). Admission is free and reservations are not required.

-Tuesday: Els pactes successoris: una antiga institució de rabiosa actualitat. (Succession agreements: an ancient institution of current relevance.) Olga Patricia Cardona Guasch
-Wednesday: Formentera a les revistes gràfiques del segle XX. Temàtiques recurrents a les publicacions periòdiques il·lustrades. (Formentera in graphic reviews of the 20th century: recurring themes in illustrated periodicals.) Joan-Albert Ribas Fuentes
-Thursday: Història del paisatge i gestió dels recursos vegetals a la Formentera prehistòrica. (Landscape history and management of plant resources on prehistoric Formentera.) Pau Sureda Torres
-Friday: La pedrera de moles de s'Estufador de Formentera. Correlacions i síntesi de les moleres de Balears. (The grinding stone quarry of S'Estufador, Formentera: current correlations and overview of Balearic grinding stones.) Joaquín Sánchez Navarro

4 October 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera