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Formentera celebrates International Day of Trans Depathologisation with theatre, films, workshops and lectures

The Formentera Office of Equality is pleased to present the activities bill for 22 October, International Day of Trans Depathologisation. This year organisers have widened the scope of the programme and, under the banner "Queer October!" (Octubre Queer!), have trained the focus of activities on building healthy, diverse and free relationships that invite us to break with established roles and stereotypes.

Friday 7 October, 11.40am
Interactive talk: "Viva el amor del bueno", with La Psico Woman, at Sala de Cultura-Cinema, Sant Francesc. Attendees will receive clear tips on disarming male violence and discuss emotions, diverse masculinities, socially constructed models of love, harassment and accepting diversity. Isa Duque is a health psychologist, sexologist and family therapist.

Friday 21 October, 7.30pm
Presentation: 'Fan Fiction and Omegaverse, Editorial Universo Alternativo', with Qoyari Álvarez Miriel, at Marià Villangómez Library. Topics of discussion: minority communities who, lacking representation, created their own queer versions; JK Rowling vs. the trans community and the response of Harry Potter fans.

Saturday 22 October, 8.30pm
'Visual theatre: Imaginaris Monstruosos', with La Lioparda Teatro at Sala de Cultura-Cinema. With an innovative and transgressive air, this production of visual theatre, puppets and prosthetics for young and adult audiences aims to put the margins at the centre.

Sunday 23 October, 4.00pm
'Naufragar: collective fanzine workshop', with Tsunami (L and Natu) at Es Roco in Sant Francesc. The workshop will be a space for collective creation, putting desire and our passions at the fore and inviting reflection on sexuality and identity.

Sunday 23 October, 8.00pm
Queer Film Forum: Screening and subsequent discussion with Hajar Lagranja El Kotri and Alejandro Piña Redondo at Es Roco in Sant Francesc.

For more information: igualdad@conselldeformentera.cat.

4 October 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022x october queer