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For Diada de Sant Jordi, Marià Villangómez Library programmes day of children's activities in Plaça de la Constitució

The Formentera Office of Culture is pleased to report that Marià Villangómez Library has scheduled a day of children's activities in Plaça de la Constitució next Saturday 23 April, Diada de Sant Jordi.

First, author Elisabet Fàbregas will offer a reading of L'euga negra i el pou de n'Aubarqueta at 11.30am. This is a children's book consisting of two stories -"L'euga negra i la torre des Molar" and the second is "El petit Xiu Xiu i el pou de n'Aubarqueta"- strung together by a swallow. With this book, Fàbregas wanted to preserve the simplicity in the telling of the two stories without losing the musicality of the words and images.

Second, Justin Hindley, the illustrator of L'egua negra..., will conduct a workshop on recognising the fauna and flora of Eivissa and Formentera in order to draw them afterwards. Space will be available for up to 20 children and participants must be accompanied by an adult. Marià Villangómez Library will provide participants with all necessary material.

13 April 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022 euga