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Family-friendly presentation of Alessandra Rossin's "El bosque mágico"

The Office of Culture of the Consell de Formentera is pleased to report that at 5.00pm, Wednesday 14 December, the Marià Villangómez Library has scheduled a presentation of El bosque mágico, a book by Alessandra Rossin, at the Reading Spot (Punt de Lectura) in Sant Ferran. The presentation will be given by the author and will be combined with a workshop for families.

El bosque mágico is a project in emotional education with the aim of helping primary school children recognise emotions and understand how to express them and, above all, manage them. "Developing empathy and resolving conflicts with oneself and with others are at the heart of this work", the author explains. "The book is tailored so it can be read in different ways and fit whoever reads it", Rossin adds.

Alessandra Rossin has lived on Eivissa since 1994 and trained as a counsellor with the acclaimed Dr. Wayne Dyer and Dr. Brian Weis. She is also the author of works of poetic prose like Sentir (2017) and of self-help, like Atrévete a ser feliz (2015) and ¡Hola! Soy tu niño interior (2019). The latter was presented at the Marià Villangómez Library the year of its publication.

The presentation on Wednesday 14 December will be followed by a workshop based on the book which will offer families easy and fun tools to manage basic emotions.

7 December 2022
Communications Office
Consell de Formentera

cartell 2022xi bosque magico